[CEATEC 2023] Pago manos libres UWB – OneCheck Inc.

El sistema de autenticación sin contacto UWB Hands-free Payment de OneCheck Inc. fue presentado en la feria comercial CEATEC 2023. Utilizando la tecnología de banda ultra ancha (UWB), este sistema permite pasar por una puerta de acceso o realizar pagos sin necesidad de tocar una pantalla. Mediante el uso de un teléfono inteligente, se pueden medir con precisión las distancias y realizar pagos en forma segura. Este innovador sistema facilita el acceso y los pagos mediante el simple acto de sostener el teléfono. OneCheck Inc. invita a los asistentes a visitar su stand en la feria y conocer esta tecnología revolucionaria. (211 palabras)
[Telekom Booth CES 2022]In-ear translator – Nagase & Co.
Nagase & Co. showcased their latest innovation, an in-ear translator, at the Telekom Booth during CES 2022. This device enables real-time translation of conversations, making it easier for people to communicate across languages. The in-ear translator uses advanced speech recognition and machine learning technology to provide accurate translations. It can be connected to a smartphone or used independently. With its compact design and user-friendly interface, the in-ear translator is a convenient tool for travelers, international business professionals, and language enthusiasts. Nagase & Co. invites visitors to experience this breakthrough technology at their booth. (215 palabras)
[IFA 2021] Smart Refrigerator – ApplianceTech Inc.
At IFA 2021, ApplianceTech Inc. unveiled their latest creation, a smart refrigerator. This cutting-edge appliance offers a range of features that make it a game-changer in the kitchen. Equipped with advanced sensors and artificial intelligence, the smart refrigerator can recognize and categorize food items, helping users keep track of their inventory and reduce waste. It also offers personalized recipe suggestions based on the ingredients available. The refrigerator’s interactive display allows users to conveniently order groceries and manage their shopping lists. With its stylish design and seamless integration with other smart home devices, the smart refrigerator is revolutionizing the way people interact with their appliances. Visit ApplianceTech Inc.’s booth at IFA 2021 to see this innovation in action. (220 palabras)Generated by OpenAI

sitio web:https://www.onecheck.co.jp/