[La 97a Exposición Internacional de Regalos de TOKIO Primavera de 2024] Caviar Oku Ise – Ocean Trust Co., Ltd.

“Ocean Trust Co., una empresa ubicada en Odai-cho, prefectura de Mie, conocida como Oku-Ise, se dedica a la acuicultura de esturiones, la producción de caviar y el cultivo de berro utilizando un sistema de acuaponía. La característica distintiva de sus productos radica en el agua y los alimentos de alta calidad que utilizan. Su producto estrella, el caviar Oku Ise, destaca por ser fresco, producido en Japón y con granos de caviar muy grandes, seleccionando solo aquellos de 3 mm o más. Este producto posee el sabor original y la cremosidad característica del caviar. Los esturiones, además, son conocidos por ser un pescado de sabor exquisito, por lo que Ocean Trust Co. lo vende también como esturión Oku Ise. Si estás interesado, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con ellos. Atentamente.”
[Expo Alimentaria 2023] FoodFlex – Innovative Solutions for Dietary Restrictions
FoodFlex, a company specializing in innovative solutions for dietary restrictions, showcased their cutting-edge products at Expo Alimentaria 2023. With the increasing prevalence of food allergies and intolerances, FoodFlex aims to provide delicious alternatives for those with dietary restrictions. Their products range from gluten-free and lactose-free options to vegan and keto-friendly alternatives. By harnessing the power of nutrition science and culinary expertise, FoodFlex aims to make dietary restrictions a thing of the past. Whether you have celiac disease or follow a plant-based diet, FoodFlex has you covered. Explore their range of products and discover a world of culinary possibilities without compromise.
[CES 2022] FutureTech Inc. Unveils the Ultimate Smart Home Solution
FutureTech Inc., a leading technology company, surprised audiences at CES 2022 with their revolutionary smart home solution. The company showcased an integrated system that seamlessly connects various devices and appliances, offering homeowners the ultimate convenience and control. From voice-activated virtual assistants to energy-efficient appliances, FutureTech’s smart home solution aims to transform everyday living. With features like personalized temperature control, security monitoring, and remote access, homeowners can enjoy a truly connected and automated lifestyle. FutureTech Inc. envisions a future where homes anticipate our needs and make life simpler and more enjoyable. Stay tuned for their official launch and experience the future today.Generated by OpenAI

sitio web:https://ocean-trust.co.jp/