[LA 25.ª EXPO INTERNACIONAL DE MARISCOS Y TECNOLOGÍA DE JAPÓN] ARK-V1, un sistema de acuicultura terrestre de circulación cerrada de pequeño tamaño – ARCA Co., Ltd.

ARK Co., Ltd., a manufacturer of small land-based aquaculture equipment, showcased their latest product, the ARK-V1, at the 25th Japan International Seafood Show. The ARK-V1 is a closed circulation system that can hold over 7 tons of water and is designed for small-sized aquaculture operations.
The system features filtration tanks, growth tanks, and other equipment necessary for efficient aquaculture. With the ARK-V1, fish and shellfish farming can be carried out in a controlled environment, ensuring optimal growth and health for the aquatic organisms.
During the event, representatives from ARK Co., Ltd. expressed their intention to expand their customer base not only in Japan but also in various overseas markets. They highlighted the company’s existing clientele, comprising of fish and shellfish farmers, and their commitment to providing reliable aquaculture equipment.
The ARK-V1 received significant attention from visitors and industry professionals at the expo. Its compact size and closed circulation system make it suitable for land-based operations, addressing the limitations associated with traditional open-water farming. This innovative solution allows farmers to overcome challenges related to water quality control and disease prevention, thereby improving overall productivity and sustainability.
As concerns around global food security and sustainable farming practices grow, the demand for advanced aquaculture solutions like the ARK-V1 is expected to increase. With its successful exhibition at the Japan International Seafood Show, ARK Co., Ltd. has positioned itself as a key player in the aquaculture industry, ready to meet the evolving needs of fish and shellfish farmers worldwide.Generated by OpenAI

sitio web:https://www.ark.inc/